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Once again, so Charles told himself, it was not а choice between evil and good, but between two evils. It was not life against life, but" two lives to one. And of two evils must not one always choose the less? (Crofts)

Long ago Deborah and her father had bу tacit unspoken consent, decided not to talk to each оthеr, because it simply ended in bitter arguments. She was used to it now and preferred, of the two evils, the uneasy truce. (McHugh)

"Look, old man, can't we get а drink?" "Oughtn't you to go steady?" This was fatal. Не exploded again aggressively. "For Christ's sake ! Don't start that Liz stuff on me !" "That what stuff?" "Forget it. Can't we get something sent up?" It seemed the lesser of the evils, so I rang down. (Mason)

As long as it was а question of suppression of the true or suggestion of the false she had no scruples. But she had а distaste for deliberate falsehood. Faced now with а elюice Ьetween two evils, she chose the one which would at least leave her self-respect. ( Wodehouse)